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January 29, 2010


Reported Speech refers to using a noun clause to report what someone has said. No quotation marks are used. Notice the changes in the verb forms from quoted speech to reported speech in the following examples:
@Direct speech (quoted speech)
    1. She said, “I watch TV every day.”
    2. She said, “I am watching TV.”
    3. She said, “ I have watched TV,”
    4. She said, “I watched TV.”
    5. She said, “I will watch TV.”
    6. She said, “I am going to watch TV.”
    7. She said, “I can watch TV.”
    8. She said, “I may watch TV.”
    9. She said, “I might watch TV.”
    10. She said, “I must watch TV.”
    11. She said, “I have to watch TV.”
    12. She said, “I should watch TV.”
    13. She said, “I ought to watch TV.”
    14. She said, “Watch TV.”
    15. She said, “Do you watch TV?”

      Indirect speech ( Reported speech )

      1. She said that she watched TV every day.
      2. She said that she was watching TV.
      3. She said she had watched TV.
      4. She said she had watched TV.
      5. She said she would watch TV.
      6. She said she was going to watch TV.
      7. She said she could watch TV.
      8. She said she might watch TV.
      9. She said she might watch TV.
      10. She said she had to watch TV.
      11. She said she had to watch TV.
      12. She said she should watch TV.
      13. She said she ought to watch TV.
      14. She told me to watch TV.
      15. She asked (me) If I watched TV.

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ada 4 komentar ke “REPORTED SPEECH”
Eci_cool said...
pada hari 

Makasih..Mr. Ubay...nich aku lagi ada materi reporting speech...tapi tolong ada yang di jelasin...

Dodi said...
pada hari 

Nah ini yang aku lagi cari reported speech. tapi lumayan sulit ya...

Mr. Bay said...
pada hari 

Thanks for coming in my blog, I'll give explanation later

Mr. Bay said...
pada hari 

English is very fun and interesting, I think this topic is not really difficult. Thanks

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